A single device,
a world of content!
Content Media Library
AnixeNet is the leading company in the Greek region
whose activities revolve around Hybrid Television technology.
In 2017, in cooperation with ERT, we brought the Content Media Library (Red Button) service to Greece for the first time.
More than just entertainment
Explore an array of products, tools and solutions
tailored for optimal content delivery!
Modern advertising methods, which guarantee high content delivery performance!
App Development
Interactive applications optimized for use through internet-connected television sets!
We share our experience with you, augmenting your overall advertising performance!
HbbTV Business Case
Additional options and optimization of the existing communication feeds for the best results!
App Development
The television set becomes an interactive communication medium, with a constantly increasing amount of capabilities!
Subtitle Generation
AnixeNet now provides the ability to generate subtitles utilizing Artificial Intelligence!
Some of the bigger challenges regarding subtitles are a firm grasp on the language they are asked to write for, as well as the time required to implement the script on video, with correct timing, quality control, etc.
Video Player
with Thumbnail support
Now, the viewer can not only navigate freely during the shows that interest him, but also has a visual point of reference with the use of images (thumbnails) that are automatically generated by the respective material.
Thus, the viewer is able to immediately pick up a Video on Demand from the point where they left off, while also being able to easily navigate to the points that interest them the most.
having questions?
We are here for you:
Ad Banners are on display for a maximum of 10 seconds. The length of video ads is varied, depending on the ad video format and duration.
You are not required to spend a minimum amount. This means you may spread your budget across different ads without any minimum commitments.
On certain TV stations, HbbTV ads may appear during designated linear ad blocks, without interruption.
However, we have developed a fail-safe ad delivery method that relies on viewer interaction, to ensure that viewers will see the ad content provided.
The first subtitles
arrived for HbbTV VoD
on BlueSky TV station
BlueSky TV's hybrid platform upgrades the viewing experience of their audience!
AnixeNet – ALTER EGO MEDIA cooperation breaks new grounds
We are happy to announce the news of our extended cooperation with Mega TV station, and share with you some of the highlights regarding the release of the new HbbTV Media Player on the hybrid platform of Mega TV.
Thumbnails, Subtitles, DRM Support now available
The television viewing experience has evolved!
Now, the hybrid content platforms include tools for easier content access, as well as content protection functionalities.
Rotana Media Group
AnixeNet expands operations to the Saudi Arabia region!
We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with Rotana Media Group!
Our Clients
Rotana TV Network
Ready for the Digital era?
Contact us and let's cooperate
for the betterment of your advertising capabilities!